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 Who Can Be My Life Insurance Beneficiary?

Who Can Be My Life Insurance Beneficiary?

A beneficiary is required to be named for every life insurance policy. By definition, a beneficiary is simply one who gets the proceeds of the life insurance policy in the event of the unforeseen or inevitable. Your benficairy(ies) can be:…

15 Insurance terms commonly misunderstood

Quotes, living benefits, annuities etc, – Terminologies like these make insurance seem foreign to many, and incomprehensible when discussing. Fortunately, there are insurance professionals who can help make a sense of it all.  In this article, we try to simplify and explain some of the most misunderstood and…

 Does life insurance have living benefits?

Does life insurance have living benefits?

You probably may have heard of the term “death benefits” and conclude that the advantages of life insurance only applies when death occurs, we’ll have to burst your bubble there. So, what living benefits are there in life insurance?  Generally, life insurance benefits your…